Protect Your Pet: How To Ensure Good Pet Health

When you own a pet, you're responsible for their health. This includes giving them a comfortable place to live. But, it also includes staying up to date on their veterinary visits. If you're not sure how to keep your pet healthy, read the list provided below. Here are some steps you can use to help your pet stay healthy. 

Stick to a Vet Schedule

When it comes to keeping your pet healthy, the best thing you can do is keep up with veterinary care. That includes well-pet checkups. During those exams, the vet will conduct a battery of tests. Some of those tests include weight checks, skin exams and worm checks. But, the vet will also make sure that your pet's ears and teeth are healthy. That's why you should schedule those annual exams for your pets. 

Stop Unwanted Litters

If you want to keep your pet healthy, it's time to plan for their reproductive health. You might think that your pets need to have at least one litter before they're spayed or neutered. That's not the case though. Reproductive surgery can help keep your pet healthy. In fact, reproductive surgery can prevent some types of cancer. This type of surgery can also help keep your pets at home, where they're safe. That's because intact pets roam from home more often. Ensure pet health and talk to the vet about reproductive surgery. 

Ensure a Healthy Diet

If you're trying to keep your pet healthy, talk to the vet about their diet. A bad diet can increase the risk of pet obesity, diabetes and heart disease. That's why proper veterinary care is so important for good pet health. During your pet's annual checkups, you can discuss healthy diet options. If your pet already has health issues such as obesity or diabetes, the vet can design a diet plan that will get those issues under control. 

Vaccinate Your Pets

If you want to ensure good health for your pet, don't forget about vaccinations. Vaccinations help protect your pet from contagious diseases. If you have a dog, you need to get them vaccinated against rabies, parvo and distemper. Cat vaccinations include feline distemper and feline calicivirus. But, there are other vaccinations that your pet will need. Your vet can help you choose the vaccinations that are best for your pet. 

For more information on how to make sure your pet is healthy, contact a pet health vet near you.
